Staying Connected
Dear friends ~
We want to thank you for your continued support as we navigate these strange times. While our doors may be temporarily closed to visitors due to COVID-19 restrictions, we continue to operate under the recommended guidelines to ensure the safety of our team, clients, and families. As many small businesses struggle to keep their doors open or in some cases, have been forced to close due to COVID-19 mandates, we thought we would take a moment to share our experience and efforts to date. What a whirlwind these last few weeks have been. Looking back, it can seem so overwhelming but also a lesson in facing challenges, adapting to change, staying agile, and making preparations to endure & overcome. From the onset of this global pandemic, we knew that small businesses around the world and in our local community would suffer, including ours. The threat of closings and fear of public gatherings were growing daily and we knew we needed to step-up and adjust our operations to prepare as best we could to brace for the impact. That said, we have attended webinars, conference calls, virtual Town Halls with elected officials, added sanitizing stations to all work areas, and implemented an alternating schedule to allow team members to work in the shop without overlap. We continue to monitor the updates and will utilize the utmost safety and caution while in the shop and on all work sites. We have some great projects underway and on the way and can’t wait to share them with you.
In the meantime ~ Stay happy, healthy, and home safely!
Dan & Katy Perrin